Prevent dengue mosquitoes from having a staycation at your home while you’re off enjoying yours.

2020 will always be remembered as the year COVID-19 hit Singapore.
But it was also the year of the highest dengue outbreak in history.
Cases surged in landed properties where overlooked breeding spots were common.

With Singaporeans eager for a break, staycations became the year-end trend.
The Singapore National Environment Agency used this moment to remind homeowners to stop Aedes mosquitoes from checking in while they were away.

The campaign turned mosquitoes into staycationers searching for the best breeding spots, turning homes into their own holiday hotspots.

Five short videos highlighted how stagnant water in flower pot trays, faulty fountains, vases, hardened soil, and clogged roof gutters became prime breeding grounds.

Posters were also placed at Dengue hotspots around Singapore to remind residents living in these areas to practise the mozzie wipeout steps to keep the bloodsuckers away.

To drive action, the agency provided toolkits to landed homeowners through local Members of Parliament.

Each toolkit contained plant pot markers, weatherproof stickers for mosquito breeding spots, and roof gutter insecticide.

Practical solutions for a mosquito-free home.

The campaign gained momentum with media coverage in The Straits Times.
By combining humour with action, it reminded homeowners that while they were on staycation, mosquitoes shouldn’t be enjoying one too.